I am currently reading a fascinating book above (compiled by one of my favourite authors Jack Canfield) where 55 "well-known" people tell the story of the book that changed their life.
I then started thinking about the books that changed my life. I'm not sure if these books changed my life, but they certainly made an impact.
They were:
These are the books that really got me hooked on reading when I was a young girl. I remember my mum shouting for me every morning as I was late for school because I was engrossed in my Famous Five adventure!
Later, I think the non-fiction books that had a huge impact on me were:
Both of these non-fiction books really changed my thinking.
And in the fiction category:
i) a book about the holocaust and it's impact on later generations of the same family
ii) a side to illegal immigration we never think about.A book that left me thinking about it days after I finished it.
I am sure there are many more books that really had an impact on me, but these are the ones that spring to mind .
What books had a lasting impact on you? I would love to hear.
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